Customize Your QuadPay Widget

This is a guide to help you implement custom styling for the QuadPay widget on your eCommerce site.


Advanced Customizations

If you would like to talk about more advanced customizations or have any questions please get in touch with us.

QuadPay Widget


Widget Element IDs

The default QuadPay widget HTML elements are assigned unique IDs to make CSS customization easier.

Element IDElement Description
quadPayCalculatorWidgetOuter widget container.
quadPayCalculatorWidgetLogoQuadPay Logo
quadPayCalculatorWidgetTextContainer for the widget copy
e.g. "or 4 Interest-Free..."
quadPayCalculatorWidgetTextFromCopyVariable price copy
e.g. "of $11.25"
quadPayCalculatorWidgetLearnThe Learn More link.

Basic Widget Html

<div id="quadPayCalculatorWidget">
  <img id="quadPayCalculatorWidgetLogo" src="">
  <div id="quadPayCalculatorWidgetText">or 4 Interest-Free Installments
    <span id="quadPayCalculatorWidgetTextFromCopy">of <span>$11.25</span></span> 
    <span id="quadPayCalculatorWidgetLearn">Learn&nbsp;more</span>

Custom CSS Styling

To customize the look and feel of the QuadPay Widget simply add a CSS block targeting the Element IDs listed in the table above.


CSS Descriptor

Don't forget to add the '!important' CSS descriptor to your new CSS rules in insure they take precedence over the default styles.

<style type="text/css">
  #quadPayCalculatorWidgetText {
  	font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif !important;
  	font-size: 12px !imporant;

  #quadPayCalculatorWidgetLogo {
  	margin-top: 5px !imporant;