Add the Payment Gateway - Zip for Magento 1 (0.9.0)

The first step for adding Zip to your Magento 1 store is installing the Zip payment gateway.


Magento 1 Extension Rebrand Update

For Zip branding, please update to version 0.9.0.



  1. Download the extension archive. Version 0.9.0 features all Zip rebrand updates for both the widget and payment gateway.
  2. In your Magento 1.9 Admin Panel, go to System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager.
  3. Choose if you want to create a backup first and/or put the store in maintenance mode during installation.
  4. Under Direct package file upload, choose the zip extension archive you downloaded.

Now Zip should be installed as a Magento Payment Method.


To enable and configure Zip, return to the Magento Admin Panel.

  1. Go to System > Configuration > Payment Methods > Zip.

  2. Under Enabled, select Yes.

  3. Copy and paste in the Client ID, Client Secret, API Endpoint, Auth Token Endpoint, API Audience and Merchant Name provided to you by Zip. (Take care not to add any additional spaces or characters to these fields.)

  1. Flush cache after installation.

  2. Verify Magento Cron is running. For Linux sites, add Magento Cron using /bin/sh /path/to/magento/ For Windows sites, set up a scheduled task.